Calling all website and blog owners! Are you happy with your contact form? Do your sign-up or booking forms leave something to be desired? is where you can find a new solution that’s specifically designed to cater to all your form-building needs. Why not try out some of the online forms created using the FormForAll package and see what you think? You’re sure to like the easy-to-use drag and drop approach to form-making. There is a whole range of predefined fields, covering everything from names, company names, email addresses and postal addresses to telephone numbers and other remarks from which you can choose, but you’re free to create your own fields as well.
In this socially-connected age, having forms which harness the power of social media is obviously a winner. A social login field of the ‘Connect with Facebook’ (or Google+) kind can really boost the numbers of people using your forms. As well as saving users the trouble of having to fill in certain personal details, it may also mean that they don’t have to create a new password for your website. Why not take a quick look at these examples to see what FormForAll could do for you?